{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block title %} Mes produits | {{ app.session.get("setting").websiteName }} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{{ app.session.get("setting").phone }}
{{ app.session.get("setting").email }}
Drive en magasin


{% for product in products %}
Product Image {% if product.soldePrice and product.soldePrice > 0 %} {% set discount = ((product.price - product.soldePrice) / product.price) * 100 %} {{ discount|number_format(0) }}% de réduction {% endif %}

{{ product.name }}

Origine : {{ product.origine}}

{% if product.soldePrice and product.soldePrice > 0 %} {{ (product.price / 100)| format_currency('EUR') }} {{ product.component }} {{ (product.soldePrice / 100)| format_currency('EUR') }} {{ product.component }} {% else %} {{ (product.price / 100)| format_currency('EUR') }} {{ product.component }} {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
    {% if currentPage > 1 %}
  • <
  • {% endif %} {% for i in 1..totalPages %}
  • {{ i }}
  • {% endfor %} {% if currentPage < totalPages %}
  • >
  • {% endif %}
{% endblock %}